Monday, March 5, 2012

Photo A Day - "Forsey"

"Forsey" is how E. says Horsey. I don't have the heart to correct her - it's too cute. As is, Scrimas for Christmas (we're still talking about it in March - do you think she enjoyed it?) and Fleepin and Fwimmin for sleeping and swimming respectively.
Anywho, tonight in her bath E. was pretending that her turtle was a baby in Russia (something she really likes to pretend play for animals only - I think pretending with doll babies is too close to home, says the play therapist in me). It is so interesting the way her little heart and mind continue to process all that's happened to her in the past year and really in her four little years alive. I continue to pray for wisdom and grace and opportunities to bring up her birth mommy and her sister on a regular basis. I often pray for them out loud with E. And I will wonder out loud with her who she might look like. It is so important to me that E. knows that it's something she can talk about, cry about, ask about - ANYTIME.
Tonight at bed time she started talking very excitedly about going to see her "forsey" in Russia. In the background of the picture above is the horse she is talking about. She has talked about that horse many times. It was in the music room where we had many of our visits. I don't know that they played with it often, but it is somehow very special to her. She told me she wants mama to go with her to visit the horsey and she will give it a big hug. I said, "You must miss the forsey" I bet sometimes you are sad and miss the horsey and miss others in Russia". Yes, she agrees. As she continues to talk about it, she starts to tell me how she wants to see her "mommy in Russia". Yes, I tell her we can definitely go and look for your birth mommy in Russia when you get bigger. She gets very excited and tells me she wants to hug and kiss her birth mommy in Russia and that she wants me to hug her too. Then in a very serious voices she tells me "no leave me, mama". Of course not, I will never leave you E. and of course, we will go and visit and look for your birth mama and also for your sister - we will try to find them when you are older. I bet you miss them both. The conversation continued like this - and I felt myself saying, thank you, Lord. This is exactly what I've hoped for and prayed for - I long so much for E. to tell me all about her feelings and her hopes when it comes to her birth family. I pray we can find them. I pray we can spend time with them some day. And I'm so grateful that the conversation is open....let the healing continue!


  1. First of all--thanks for the kind words on my blog. I miss you too and hope we can meet sometime.

    What a wonderful conversation you and E have had. It is so amazing to think of all that has happened in their lives before us and how adaptable they seem to be. I am glad she can talk about it all with you.
    Hannah has not revealed anything about her past in Russia yet. She definitely knows she is from there and she talks about being a baby in Russia all the time. She also plays adopting scenerios with her stuffed animals. so cute.

  2. By the way--I'm really enjoying your photo a day
