Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Still Waiting...

Still waiting for travel dates. It looks like I will return next week to apply for E's passport in her new name and then two weeks after that, to spring her from the baby house for good :)
Hopefully the orphanage will not be closed again next week (due to flu in Central Russia) and I will be able to visit for more than an hour! It was really painful last time - I didn't even get to see her after court!
I promise to send pictures soon to those who have asked - I have been having laptop drama - oh my!
WOW - the waiting doesn't get any easier - in fact, I think it's getting harder.


  1. I have been thinking about you and wondering about your next trip. Will continue to pray for you, baby E and everything else needed to speed these trips along.

  2. Hi Shannon - yes, two more :(
    so frustrating.....

  3. It definitely gets harder and harder as you approach the end of the process!
