Friday, February 4, 2011


This was me about 1pm this afternoon :) Dancing around my room, like Snoopy would, singing and celebrating the good news that my visa was completed and on its way back to me - should arrive tomorrow am.
I am so relieved and excited and just amazed at the Lord's goodness and sovereignty. This is so clearly His court date - He made it happen and He is the one worthy of a Snoopy dance.


  1. Fantastic!! Certainly a VERY good reason to celebrate and dance :)

  2. A big Yeah!!!!!! I am doing the snoopy dance for you and the Lord.

  3. I'm new to your blog and so very excited for you! It is obvious from reading older posts that you are thrilled with the idea of motherhood and E. sounds wonderful and is a very lucky girl to have you for a mom! Much love and prayers for a smooth trip, court date, transition into motherhood.

  4. Thanks to Shelley and Jackie :) what a long road - so good to have a celebration!

    Hi Lindsey - thanks for your sweet comment - how'd you find me?
