Monday, December 27, 2010

Prayer Requests...

I know there are so many things to be praying for in each of our lives.….the needs are huge! But God is BIGGER!
I wanted to share with you all the ways I am specifically praying and ask that if God puts me or sweet E. on your heart that you would consider praying specifically with me!
Please be praying for E.
• That God would be preparing her heart to leave the only home she has known.
• That God would be preparing both of our hearts to bond and attach as mother and daughter
• That God would surround her with His angels – protecting her, ministering to her, filling her heart with His love as she waits….
• That she would remain healthy and safe! That He would protect her emotionally, physically and spiritually!
Please be praying for the paperwork…I am really feeling that there is a spiritual battle underway to delay the process – the enemy does not want this little girl to have a family and a community that loves Jesus – so prayer is the ANSWER!
• That I would be able to pick up my child abuse clearance tomorrow – those are taking weeks to process, but I’m praying that God intervenes – the child abuse clearance is only good for 90 days – mine expired this month – I applied for a new one two weeks ago.
• That all of my paperwork would get to Russia by 1/10/11 – this is when everyone returns to work there – they celebrate from now until then – New Years and then Christmas is observed on 1/7- Russian Orthodox Christmas.
• That A. would be able to obtain a court date by 1/31/11 – my FBI clearance expires 2/1/11 – I have applied for new clearance, but it is taking about 12 weeks to receive new ones back and this could cause a big problem – DELAY!
• This is a ways out –but it’s on my mind because of my history with international adoption… US immigration paperwork expires 5/2/11 – if I am unable to get her home by then I would have to start ALL OVER – I have already filed for my one free extension – when this expires it expires and you have to start from scratch – which means new homestudy, new application – not only does that translate into thousands of dollars, but the process is taking months…I know the Lord knows all of this…please be praying with me that E. will be home LONG before May 2nd.
Thank you all for standing with me over these past three and a half years….your prayers and love mean the world to me!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I can't believe another one has come and gone. Where does the time go? We had a very nice day. My niece, Syd, opened a truckload of gifts this am. Of course, she enjoyed herself. One of the things she had asked for was a Rapunzel doll from the new Disney flick Tangled - she received one, but it wasn't quite what she had in mind. I think she was hoping for a "Barbie" version - the one she got was almost three feet tall and I think it seemed a little "babyish" to her. Her mom told her that my aunt had sent the gift receipt and she could return it. Right away she said "no, I think I'd like to give it to E. Don't you think she'd like to play with it when she gets home, Auntie?" Awwww - that is just about the sweetest thing - and yes, I think she'd love it. Christmas spirit - thinking of others rather than yourself - from the heart of an eleven year old. Just what I needed.
Hang on E. - your family loves you and can't wait to play with you.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Paper Chase!

Where to begin? I was so hoping to have "Part 2" of my dossier winging its way to Moscow by now. HA! Wishful thinking! I feel like I'm running in a hamster wheel - spinning like crazy - going nowhere! ARGH! Just about the time I think I have all the paperwork together I realize something is going to expire.
State police clearance expires this month so I sent that off the beginning of last week - it came back today - wonderful, right? NOT! They spelled my last name wrong. So frustrating - they spelled it correctly at the top of the letter and then wrong when they referenced me in the body of the letter. I called them to explain the problem and they said please fax us a copy of what you received and a letter explaining what the issue is. Not difficult - but it ate up another 45 minutes of my time. And tomorrow is Christmas Eve - so I wonder when I will get the corrected copies back?
My sister's medical clearance was finally signed by her doctor today, but the notary that works in the medical office is out until 12/29 so it won't be ready to take downtown for the Apostille until then.
I realized that my FBI clearance (which can take up to 12 weeks to receive back) will expire February 1st - meaning I better start now since it could take a long time to get back and there is no guarantee I will get a court date in January - especially if I can't get the rest of my paperwork over there quickly. So today my sister (what a gem she is) and I went for the millionth time (OK I may be exaggerating a bit, but not much) to be fingerprinted for the FBI clearance.
And of course, every little bit of this costs time and money!
I'm feeling so sick of the whole thing! And frustrated to be constantly chasing down paperwork, updating things that expire, asking my sister to get something notarized, or go get fingerprinted. When will this ever end? I just want to get my girl home. I'm in the midst of one big pity party today....I promise I'll get over it by tomorrow....but today....I'm just plain MAD and SAD!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Littlest Blessings

There are many things that I am grateful for as I remember my trip to Moscow....and I dont' want to forget them. Here is a small list.
I'm thankful for...
• Aisle seats – I need to move when I’m on a long flight and so sitting on the aisle is ideal for me – so I may get up and down to my heart’s content without being worried about disturbing anyone else. Even though I had to change my flight to a day earlier at the last minute – I still had aisle seats on the long flights – I’m so grateful!
• Making connections – I only had an hour in Frankfurt and somehow, even after we arrived in Frankfurt 45 mins early and then sat on the tarmac for an hour an fifteen minutes waiting for a gate, somehow I made my connection in only 30 minutes! Thank You Lord
• Sitting next to an American business man on the flight from Frankfurt to Moscow. He was a wealth of information and information is always a comfort to me. I like to know what to expect – (OK I’m a closet control freak)
• Baggage that arrived when I did! Two years ago when I went to Kyrgyzstan I landed on Sunday and my luggage arrived on Friday. It was a long week in one hundred degree heat with very little air conditioning!
• An uneventful trip through passport control and customs – I’ve seen one too many Bond movies :)
• Finding my hotel! That was a challenge – the shuttle stop was not marked well. It was dark and snowing and the paths were a bit icy, but finally I found a cab driver who spoke some English and was willing to direct me without pushing me into his cab.
• Clean hotel rooms! I don’t need fancy, but I do require clean – everywhere I stayed was very clean. The airtel even had decent room service and most of the staff spoke enough English to communicate. (Although I have to admit I’m so embarrassed that I only speak one language!)
• My daughter’s music teacher – she is a gem! While I was there she had my little angel and two other little girls come in for a music class so I could observe. It was so sweet. She let them each try multiple instruments; she sang to them, she danced with them. She was so loving and kind to each of the kids. It just warmed my heart. She is also the one who found five pictures of my angel and gave them to my coordinator for me. They are just precious.
• My medical exam is OVER! AND I passed! I cannot tell you how nervous I was about this. I can’t really pinpoint why – but the thought of being examined by eight different Russian speaking doctors filled me with fear (again - too much 007). For some reason, I just feared they would keep me from completing this adoption. It was an intense couple of hours, but it was just fine and it’s OVER! Woo hoo!
• OK this one is going to seem really silly, but I have a “thimble bladder” and one of the things I was nervous about (I know – silly, but!) was the long drives – I tend to stop often when I travel and I just wasn’t sure how I would do on the three-four hour trips – would there even be a place to stop? Somehow, my thimble bladder turned into the bladder of steel for the long car rides! (Hey, I said this was about the “littlest blessings”.)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Meeting You - December 7

It was lightly snowing as I arrived in your city. What a beautiful city. I hope that you and I will be able to visit together someday - in the spring, preferably :)
We went to the adoption center first to sign some paperwork and receive my invitation to visit you. I was full of anticipation.
It was a short drive from the adoption center to the Infant Home. My coordinator tells me this is the best one in the region...that is encouraging to hear. They usher me into the music room and tell me I would be meeting first with the director and doctors who know all about you. After a few minutes of waiting, a wonderful surprise - in you walk, wearing the prettiest bow in your hair, holding tightly to the hand of a caregiver. It's clear she is one of your favorites - you cling to her and she is such a warm woman - all smiles. She'd be one of my favorites too. I can tell you are very anxious. I wish I knew what she was saying to you - from the tone of her voices I can tell she is reassuring you, telling you it is OK, this is your mama. She wants you to feel comfortable around me.
One of my favorites at the infant home is the music teacher - she is a delight. Warm, and friendly, lots of smiles - she seems to genuinely care about you. She sings to you and encourages you to sing and dance with her. She gathers some of your favorite toys for us to play with together. Later in the day, when I asked about earlier pictures of you she searches her computer to find some :) I must learn her name and take a picture of the two of you when I return.
I know this was such a stressful day for you - so many eyes watching us, so many voices pressuring you to warm up to me - quickly. I wish they would all just leave us alone and let us get to know each other. They pressure me too, to try and hold you, to sit right next to you, to take you from their arms. I am certain you do not trust me - why should you? We've just met and you can't understand a word I try to say to you. Your caregiver tries to get you to dance and sing with her - it's very sweet really. You just stare at her - I'm guessing you must be thinking "are you crazy lady?" :)
I love your sweet pouty face. You pout often during our visits today - when they tell you to smile for the camera, when they encourage you to play with me, to sit with me, to let me hold you. You break into tears each time your caregivers try to sneak out of the room. I wish I could scoop you up and comfort you, but today you are just too frightened of me. I am actually encouraged by this - it's normal to be shy around strangers and today that is what we are. I am hopeful as I watch you interact lovingly with your caregivers. It is a good sign that you are able to attach and I am excited to think of beginning our life together. A life as mother and daughter. I will be back. I'm praying for you everyday. I'm asking the Lord to surround you with His love, to prepare your sweet little heart to leave the only home you've known. I am asking Him to prepare both of our hearts to bond with each other. I'm asking Him to send His angels to minister to you while you wait. To pour His love into your heart while you wait. To protect you from any harm.
You smiled at me a few times today - it is a beautiful smile - full of life and spunk! I cannot wait to get to know you more. To watch you giggle and laugh and run and play.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

More from Moscow

WOW – I just can’t even begin to describe how the Lord has been moving on this trip. A life changing experience…and not all from meeting my little angel, although that was definitely precious, but more from experiencing the presence of the Lord. His promise to me before I left was from Psalm 139:5 – that He would hem me in – going before and after me and that has been my experience this week. Feeling a sense that I am right in the palm of His hand - in the center of His will. Thank you all so very much for praying – I am 200% aware of those prayers. In each situation I’ve encountered – and there have been some stressful ones – I’ve known His peace (Phil. 4:6).
Today was an emotional day – after much prayer and another consult with the international adoption physician via email I called my coordinator to say yes! I intend to adopt this sweet little girl. She was very happy and excited for me. At 9:30am we headed to orphanage for another visit, then to the notary to sign the intent to adopt paperwork. You really build your patience muscles here – between the traffic and the waiting – nothing happens in a hurry here. It’s been really amazing to just let it unfold – move from one task to the next without having any idea what might be next. I pretty much just go where they tell me and enjoying the view while I’m going.
I am in Moscow proper now– staying right near downtown at a Marriott – feels very much like one at home – such a small world. The drive from my little girl’s region took four hours due to traffic once we were within Moscow city limits. I am here for one night. Tomorrow I have the medical exam and then my translator will take me back to the airport hotel to be ready for my flight home tomorrow.
I wanted to share one sweet story with you. As I was leaving the orphanage today, the caregivers told my sweetie to give me a hug (they did this at the end of each of our 3 visits and mostly she complied – although not really willingly) today she came over and hugged me and as she stepped back she stopped and looked at my face and my eyes – then she put her hand in my hair ever so gently – it was a moment of confirmation for me. Just one of those moments of knowing – she is my girl and I sensed she knows I’m her mama. In each visit I touched her hair this same way and it was
as if she was touching me in the same way I had touched her.
Peace dear friends!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More from Moscow

WOW – I just can’t even begin to describe how the Lord has been moving on this trip. A life changing experience…and not all from meeting my little angel, although that was definitely precious, but more from experiencing the presence of the Lord. His promise to me before I left was from Psalm 139:5 – that He would hem me in – going before and after me and that has been my experience this week. Feeling a sense that I am right in the palm of His hand - in the center of His will. Thank you all so very much for praying – I am 200% aware of those prayers. In each situation I’ve encountered – and there have been some stressful ones – I’ve known His peace (Phil. 4:6).
Today was an emotional day – after much prayer and another consult with the international adoption physician via email I called my coordinator to say yes! I intend to adopt this sweet little girl. She was very happy and excited for me. At 9:30am we headed to orphanage for another visit, then to the notary to sign the intent to adopt paperwork. You really build your patience muscles here – between the traffic and the waiting – nothing happens in a hurry here. It’s been really amazing to just let it unfold – move from one task to the next without having any idea what might be next. I pretty much just go where they tell me and enjoying the view while I’m going.
I am in Moscow proper now– staying right near downtown at a Marriott – feels very much like one at home – such a small world. The drive from my little girl’s region took four hours due to traffic once we were within Moscow city limits. I am here for one night. Tomorrow I have the medical exam and then my translator will take me back to the airport hotel to be ready for my flight home on Friday.
I wanted to share one sweet story with you. As I was leaving the orphanage today, the caregivers told my sweetie to give me a hug (they did this at the end of each of our 3 visits and mostly she complied – although not really willingly) today she came over and hugged me and as she stepped back she stopped and looked at my face and my eyes – then she put her hand in my hair ever so gently – it was a moment of confirmation for me. Just one of those moments of knowing – she is my girl and I sensed she knows I’m her mama. In each visit I touched her hair this same way and it was as if she was touching me in the same way I had touched her.
Peace dear friends!

Day One - We Meet :)

This will have to be very short and oh so very sweet – I met my daughter yesterday!So much to share! But my laptop battery is dying – unfortunately I didn’t realize my adaptar to fit in the Russian plugs doesn’t accommodate 3 prongs so I can’t charge my battery.
But I wanted to thank you all for your prayers – God’s presence is just enveloping me! So thank you and please keep praying!
Off to the orphanage in a bit for another visit – then to the Adoption Center to sign all of the intent to adopt – then back to Moscow (a 3 hour car ride) – the dreaded medical exam is tomorrow and then home on Friday.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Arrival - I made it!

I am here safe and sound and my luggage made it too woo hoo! The trip went smoothly - very long!
The Lord put Psalm139:5 on my heart Sunday am and He really impressed upon me that He would "hem me in before and behind" - I really clung to that verse the whole trip it gave me such a peace! Thank you all for praying me here! Please continue to pray me through the week.
My coordinator will pick me up at 6am and we will head for her region to meet her :) I am so excited!
I am seeking to let each moment unfold and to be present for each of those moments. Looking for the Holy Spirit to show up in each and every one! May I be an instrument of His peace to those I encounter this week!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Well, this is it! I am leaving tomorrow for Moscow. This week has been crazy - oh so much drama. Starting with getting my Passport/Visa back only to discover that my entry/exit dates were incorrect! Aaaaaaiiiiiiiyyyyyyy! It has my departure date from the country of 12/10 and my tickets were for departing 12/12 - plus my medical exam was 12/10. Oh my goodness it was incredibly stressful and VERY expensive. My ticket is now changed to depart tomorrow instead of Monday and my return will be Friday. The region I am adopting from will not schedule court until you complete your medical - so if I was unable to complete my medical on this trip it would mean 5 trips to Russia instead of the already extensive 4 trips!
The biggest disappointments are that my friend Elisabeth will not be able to travel with me and there will be about zero time for sight seeing while I'm there - it is going to be one packed trip.
I have to admit I'm really nervous about traveling alone....ok....downright scared! But I have a feeling that once I'm with my coordinator I will be just fine. And I know the Lord goes with me. So many are praying for me and I already feel lifted up. Thank you all!
I am dreading the medical exam. But that will be over on Tuesday and then I head to my region and meet my angel! I cannot wait for that.
OK - back to packing.....if you think of me this week say a prayer!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Trip One

Woo Hoo! I finally got travel dates. I am headed to Moscow on Monday! I really can't believe it's finally happening.
Things are falling into are booked, hotels are reserved, just a few hundred other things to do between now and then.
God is so good - I was able to find flights with less than a week's notice for $1015.
I have to admit I'm really nervous - especially given my history with I.A.
Praying that this time will be different!