Saturday, October 3, 2009

Still Being Considered

I've met with the birth mom I mentioned in my previous post for a second time. Let me just say, I really like her. She is someone I would pick to be a friend.
This second meeting we talked for about 2 1/2 hours - she told me more of her story and I was able to meet her other two children (I met the baby the first time) - watching her interact with her older two children was really precious - she is very kind, but firm. Clearly she adores them.
I should know by the end of next week whether or not she has chosen me to parent.
Lots of them....
Praying for wisdom...
Praying for direction for both of us...
Praying for this little baby girl's health and continued development...
So many things to consider...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kimberly, I haven't checked in here in several days...and look at this news! Whether it happens or not, God's plan is best and if this current situation doesn't work out then you can rest assured knowing the right thing will eventually present itself. However, I will admit to hoping and praying this is the one!! Can't wait to hear the news...keep us posted!
