Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Referral Accepted

I so wish I didn't need to be vague here, but sadly I will need to be just that until after court! I have accepted the referral of a little girl - and that, my friends, is all I can say at this time.
Please be praying for things to move swiftly and maybe just maybe she will be home by Christmas!
Lord willing!
I am frantically working on updating and adding some documents to my dossier so that I might be able to travel for trip one soon.
It's exciting to have something to celebrate. I can't wait to share more than that!


  1. Kimberly--that is such wonderful news. I am so happy for you and for another little girl that will have a family. Email me with any questions you want to or any news you can share.
    Oh--what a blessing.

  2. Congrats, Kimberly! I am so excited for you and your new daughter! Praying all goes smoothly and quickly and you can spend your first Christmas together. Can't wait to hear more about your little sweetie.

  3. FANTASTIC news, Kimberly. I can't wait to read more soon and I do wish you a speedy process!! Wonderful :)
