Monday, November 5, 2012

More Fun...

Notice the matching converse :) Syd picked them out for both of them.

Ready to head out for some candy!

My little flower
 Halloween was a fun day.....Syd was on Fall break last week so she came over and spent the day with E. and I. It is so fun to watch those two play. Syd likes to dress E. up like her personal dolly. E. tolerates this....sometimes :) The weather was amazing. Often the weather is snowy on Halloween, but not this year it was close to balmy....over 50 degrees even after sunset. It was a busy trick or treat night....we had loads of fun gathering candy from the neighbors.

This past weekend E. and I were out on the deck and I happened to look up to see this beautiful creature in our Aspen was amazing. I don't think I had ever seen an  owl this close up - outside of the zoo.

He was sitting there so peacefully.

I snapped pictures and he just sat there blinking and winking at us. E. was just as captivated as I was.

We have been going through lots of changes lately at our house. Changes that leave me stressed and sweet E. is feeling the effects of it. She is so clearly impacted by changes no matter how small. Even something as small as the end of daylight savings - driving home from Emiliy's tonight in the dark at 5pm was hard for her. She is - easily stressed - easily overwhelmed. Her little brain doesn't have ability to regulate will come with time and more healing, but right now she is just a pile of tears often. It's exhausting, but I know she has been through far too much for a 4 1/2 year old and it will just take more and more love and prayers to overcome it. But overcome we will! With the Lord's help and healing.

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