Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Weekend Getaway

Our friends, Becky and Kelly, celebrated 35 years of marriage this past week. Woo Hoo! Amazing!
E. and I got to join their family in Colorado Springs for a few days.
We had such a fun time. The highlight was definitely feeding the giraffes at the zoo - but we had a blast the whole time.
 At the Olympic Training Center
 Enjoying Happy Anniversary cake - decorated by Miss E.
 The carousel at the zoo - this thing moved FAST - I could barely keep my balance.
 Watching the monkeys groom each other.
Aforementioned monkeys - I didn't zoom for this picture - we were right up next to them - so cool!

 Riding a mountain goat....
 Awwwww....who loves their mommy?
 Toasting her first marshmallow for her first S'more - yummy! E. calls them "smellos"
So, did I mention E. broke her collar bone? Thus, the sling. So sad - I'm just grateful it happened almost at the end of the summer and not right at the beginning. She is such a trooper - the hardest part for her has been the limited activity...she is dying to get back on her trampoline!
Good really. We love you guys!
The view behind them is the view from almost everywhere at the zoo - it's built into the mountain side. It's just gorgeous.
This is the view from the monkey exhibit.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

We visited this amazing zoo this weekend. Despite the name of the zoo, it's actually in Colorado Springs...more update and pictures later, but wanted to share this video of E. feeding the giraffes - so much fun!